Home » Why You Should Discuss Your Medical History With Your General Dentist

Why You Should Discuss Your Medical History With Your General Dentist

General Dentist

We all know DentAlign NYC—a name that rings a bell in the world of dentistry. But have you ever stopped to consider why your dentist always wants to know about your medical history? You might think it’s none of their business. But there’s more to it than just nosiness. Your medical history provides critical insights. It helps your dentist to provide you the best care possible. Let’s dive into the reasons why sharing your medical history with your general dentist is essential.

Improved Dental Care

Did you know? Your medical history—and even your family’s—can reveal potential risks for dental problems. For instance, diabetes can lead to gum disease. Also, heart disease is often linked to oral health. So, your dentist needs to know all this. It helps them provide the best care possible.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

By sharing your medical history, your dentist can prevent issues. They can take precautions before a problem becomes serious. This approach is better than treating the problem after it occurs. It saves you from pain and extra costs.

Customized Dental Plan

Improved Dental Care

Every mouth is unique. With your medical history in hand, your dentist can make a plan just for you. This plan will consider any health conditions you have. It will take into account any medicines you take. It will be the best plan possible for your unique mouth.

What Your Dentist Needs to Know

What kind of information should you share with your dentist? Here are some guidelines:

  • Past diseases: Your dentist needs to know about any disease you’ve had in the past. This is true even if the disease does not directly relate to your mouth.
  • Medicines: All types of medicines can affect your mouth. So, your dentist needs to know about all the medicines you take. This includes over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements.
  • Family history: Your dentist needs to know about diseases that run in your family. This is especially true for diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Allergies: If you are allergic to any medicines, your dentist needs to know this. It can prevent a dangerous allergic reaction during treatment.


Sharing your medical history with your dentist is not an invasion of privacy. It’s a vital part of your dental care. It helps your dentist to take the best care of your mouth. It helps them to prevent problems before they become serious. So, the next time your dentist asks about your medical history, don’t hesitate. Share what you know. It’s for the best.